
ITI Treatment Guide Series. Volumen 9, Implant Therapy in the Geriatric Patient


Autores: Buser, Daniel / Wismeijer, Daniel / Chen, Stephen / Bartor, Steven / Donos, Nikos

Categorías: ,

People now live longer and have higher expectations for health and quality of life than they did in previous generations, and demographic shifts have occurred in recent decades leaving more older people than younger. These shifts have brought new demands to implant dentistry and practitioners, who now see elderly patients routinely in practice. Because of their age, these patients are subject to certain limitations and often require special dental care, especially patients in ailing condition. This volume addresses the situation and needs of the elderly patient, from systemic changes and physical and mental limitations to considerations of quality of life. Twelve clinical cases demonstrate solutions for various clinical situations, including treatment of an Alzheimer patient, rehabilitation of a patient with osteoarthritis, treatment sequencing for full-arch removable dental prostheses, flapless guided surgery for bar-supported overdentures, and minimally invasive treatment of a patient in her 90s with severe peri-implantitis, among others.


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