Contemporary dental materials make high-quality ceramic restoration predictable, even in prosthetically and esthetically challenging cases. This practical compendium reviews the state-of-the-art materials and technologies of modern cosmetic dentistry. The physical properties and characteristics of current materials are outlined, as are clinical indications for their use in veneers, single crowns, fixed partial dentures, and implant-supported restorations. The authors also address esthetics-related subjects, such as the restoration of nonvital abutment teeth and the latest bleaching techniques. Offering step-by-step instructions accompanying numerous illustrations, this concise text is a an invaluable resource for daily clinical practice.
Dental Ceramics: Essential Aspects for Clinical Practice
$1,785.34 $600.00
Autor: Hammerle, Christoph / Sailer, Irena / Thoma, Andrea / Hälg, Giann / Suter, Ana / Ramel, Christian