
Composite Veneers: The Direct-Indirect Technique


Autores: Fahl, Newton Jr. / Ritter, André V.

Año: 2020

ISBN: 978-0-86715-959-2 Categorías: , , ,

The direct-indirect technique for composite resin veneer fabrication brings together many of the distinct advantages of the direct and indirect techniques. A direct-indirect restoration is one in which the composite resin is sculpted directly on the tooth structure without previous adhesive preparation, light activated, removed from the tooth, heat tempered, finished and polished extraorally, and finally adhered indirectly in the mouth in a single appointment. The resulting restoration exhibits improved mechanical properties, excellent esthetics, and unrivaled marginal adaptation and polishing. One of the most significant advantages of this technique is the possibility to modulate the final color of the restoration with luting agents, allowing for minor modifications in the restoration hue, chroma, and value. Furthermore, the direct-indirect technique has a wide range of applications, including prepless contact lenses and veneers, veneers with preparation (discolored teeth), fragments, diastema closure, and noncarious cervical lesions, among others. This book systematically covers these many applications and provides step-by-step protocols with specific layering strategies for each. Fifteen detailed case studies are included to showcase the technique in various clinical scenarios, highlighting the materials used and the type of composite veneer selected in each situation. Written by world-renowned masters in their field, this book will surely help to elevate your esthetic outcomes.

296 pp; 1,077 illus

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Quintessence Publishing de México

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